Artwork Completed by Julia Hamilton in 2013

Where the Woodbine Twineth
Medium: Felt Pen Drawing; Size: 24 x 24 Inches
Muse: When something is hopelessly lost, it has gone “where the woodbine twineth." Whatever it is that you're looking for, perhaps you'll find it hiding in this piece.
• Included in 2015 Ohio Art League Spring Juried Exhibition at the Schnormeier Gallery at Mount Vernon Nazarene University in Ohio. Juror: Richard Petry, Director of Graduate Studies at CCAD.
• Included in 2015 Ohio State Fair Fine Arts Exhibit, Professional Division in Columbus, OH
• Included in “Elements” exhibit (by invitation) at Schumacher Gallery, Columbus Ohio, 2016

Digital (Drawn by hand on an iPad®)
Note: This is the first piece I did on my iPad® using an app called ProCreate®.

Medium: Felt Pen and Airbrush
30 x 30 Inches
Muse: The surface of the moon is completely covered with circles. Each circle represents an impact.