Artwork Completed by Julia Hamilton in 2014

Inky Shadows
In scary stories, "inky shadows" are often an important component. I love the tingly thrill of hearing a spooky story or watching a well done, scary movie. This piece is my representation of that feeling.
Digital, 8 x 15 inches.

One Good Eye
His artificial eye provided site, while his good eye gave him attitude.
Digital Painting, 24x24 Inches

Train of Thought
This piece depicts the evolution of an elaborate idea, starting with a simple concept, and adding more and more complexity. Fibonacci fans will enjoy counting circles, bubbles, and lines in this piece. I'm using Fibonacci numbers (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and 34) to represent the layering of complexity.
Digital Painting, 20 x 20 inches.

Forget The Rules
This piece contains two variations of one of my recent pieces titled "Breaking Free." I created Breaking Free because I enjoy feeling free to create art in any style or medium. I recall a time long ago when I was frustrated by paint-by-numbers, which always had such drab colors. What a thrill it was to paint my first piece without any rules! This piece celebrates artistic freedom.
Digital Painting, 45 x 25 inches.

Ocean Blue
Muse: I don't live near the ocean, so when I get to see it, it's a real treat for me. I created this piece to capture the beauty of this precious resource.
Digital Painting (drawn on iPad with finger), 16 x 16 inches.

Imagine extraterrestrial life splash landing on Earth.
Digital Painting, 18 x 18 inches.

Breaking Free
I created this piece as a celebration of free thinking. I am at my happiest and most creative when I am free from the cage of conventional thinking.
Digital Painting, 20 x 20 inches.

Time Flies
Digital, drawn by hand on iPad. Limited edition giclee prints, 18x18 Inches.
Muse: Watching the last days of summer drifting away on the wind.

Buba and Kiki
I read about Buba and Kiki in V. S. Ramachandran's "The Telltale Tale Brain," which includes an experiment involving two shapes. This experiment proved that sound has shape using amorphous shapes. In this piece, I've given Buba and Kiki faces.
Digital Painting, 16 x 16 inches.

I created this piece because I wanted to capture those brief seconds between being asleep and being fully awake, the mingling of consciousness and dreams, and the precarious nature of the memory of a dream.
Felt Pen, 24x24 Inches.

I created this piece because I was recently reminded of how powerful one's legacy can be. A promising young life is headed for greatness as a result of a tragedy in the distant past.
Felt Pen, 30x30 Inches.

New Waters
I created this piece because I wanted to capture the mesmerizing experience of watching new waters flowing to shore, the ancient rhythm of the sea. To quote Heraclitus (535 BC - 475 BC), "You can never step twice in the same stream, for new waters are ever flowing in upon you." It seems incredible that someone who lived so long ago could say something that resonates with people today.
Digital Painting, 28x28 Inches.

Dragon Fly
A wingless dragon learns to fly using her fiery breath.
Digital (drawn by hand on an iPad®)

Sky Tree
I created this piece because I wanted to depict a tree feeding oxygen to the sky.
Digital Painting, 20x20 Inches.